Winter Beer Festival Beer List

Well this weekend sees the first WHT Winter Beer Festival. Here’s the all important beer list for the event. On the bar across the weekend will be:

Adnams – Spiced Winter Beer – 4.0%
B & T – Shefford Old Dark (SOD) – 5.0%
Darkstar – Best Bitter – 4.0%
Hook Norton – Hooky Dark – 3.2%
Ilkley – Black Summit – 5.0%
Mauldons – Peggoty’s Porter – 4.1%
Milestone – Dark Galleon – 5.4%
Milestone – Rich Ruby – 4.5%
Oldershaws – Grantham Stout – 4.3%
Riverside – Autumn Ale – 4.0%
Roosters – Last Stand – 4.3%
St Austell – Trelawny – 3.8%
Thornbridge – Lord Marples – 4.0%
William Bros – Movember Whiskey Foxtrot – 4.6%

These beers will feature across our 7 real ale pumps starting Friday 25th thru to Sunday 27th Nov.

Plus remember Saturday evening we will be hosting the Duncan Fraser Jazz Trio from 8.30 onwards!


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