White Hart Taplympics

As I’m sure you all know there is a small sporting competition taking place in London later this year, I daren’t mention the name in case LOCOG come after me regarding naming rights etc.

However at the White Hart Tap we will be hosting the Taplympics, think school sports day meets pub games and you’ll get somewhere close.

The idea is for you to get together a team of 8 to take part in the Games, all ages are welcome to compete as there will be an event for everyone. Events will be wide ranging and most of all really good fun! Prizes will be available for winning competitors to make it a bit more exciting!

The Taplympics is set to take place on Saturday August 11th and team entries are required by the end of July, so get your team together, come up with a name and get yourself registered.

All registrations to whiteharttap@sky.com please.

Good luck!


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