Tag: bar snacks

  • Scotch Eggs are back!

    Our delicious homemade Scotch Eggs are now back available on the bar. A perfect accompaniment to a pint and served with english mustard they are worth the visit on their own!

  • Sausage Festival

    The WHT Sausage Festival starts this Monday 31st January and I am pleased to announce which Butchers and which sausages will be part of the festival. From A&C Meats we have Curried Pork, Toulouse & Wild Boar and Apple From Bok & Rose we have Beef Boerwors. From Ellis Butchers we have Ye Olde Suffolk…

  • New Style Pork Pies

    We now have new style Pork Pies available on the bar. Following customer feedback thqt the Pork Pies were too big for a bar snack we have reduced the size and subsequently reduced the price. Come in and try one, perfect with a bit of mustard and a pint of real ale (so I’ve heard).

  • Our New Homemade Snack Range

    As some of you may already be aware the WHT has started producing homemade bar snacks. Our Pork Pies and Scotch Eggs have been flying off the shelves and are a perfect accompaniment to your favourite beverage. Come in and try one. These aren’t just any Bar Snacks………..these are WHT Bar Snacks!