Tag: sausage festival

  • Bangers and Bangers!!

    Firework Night is nearly here and to help make St Albans Firework Night, on Saturday 3rd November go off with BANG we will be having a whole day of Bangers at the WHT. These bangers however are the edible variety, also known as Sausages! Yes, the WHT Sausage BBQ will be taking place all day featuring…

  • Let the Jubilee Countdown Begin…

    In the run up to the Jubilee I will be posting a blog each day explaining in more detail the events that we have going on across the Jubilee Weekend. We start today with our Sausage BBQ. This takes place on Saturday 2nd June from 2pm-8pm up in the garden (come rain or shine, but…

  • Sausage Festival Update

    Due to unprecedented high demand for Sausages during the Festival booking is now advised on an evening to ensure you are not disappointed. There are only 2 evenings of the Sausage Festival left, tonight (Wednesday) and Thursday night, as Friday night will remain Fish & Chip night only! Book your table now on 01727 860974

  • Sausage Festival Underway

    Just a reminder that our Sausage Festival is underway featuring locally produced sausages from local butchers. We will have a variety of different sausages across the week so come in and sample some our banger bonanza!

  • WHT Sausage Festival

    As part of the St Albans Food & Drink Festival we at the WHT will be hosting our 2nd Sausage Festival. The Sausage Festival features a variety of locally prodcued Sausages from local Butchers in the St Albans area. Served as a selection platter with Homemade Chutney, Mustard & Crusty Bread, there will be the…

  • St Georges Day Sausage Festival

    As you may be aware this weekend is our St Georges Easter Beer Festival, as part of the festivities will be holding a Sausage Festival on Saturday 23rd April, St Georges Day. We will be showcasing 12 different varities of Sausage produced by local butchers, all of which will be served up with bread, homemade…

  • Beer Festival Reminder

    The Lion Hart Beer Festival is making a new appearance this year over the Easter Weekend. The White Lion, Sopwell Lane and ourselves will be hosting the event starting Good Friday, 22nd April and running until Monday 25th April. The Beer Festival will feature over 35 different real ales, ciders and perries! Also over that…

  • Sausage Festival Top Sausage is……

    The Sausage Festival has come to an end and after a week of intensive eating and voting and I can now announce the winning sausage from our first WHT Sausage Festival…… And the winner is… Pork & Harvest Pale Ale from A & C Meats!! This top sausage was actually made especially for the beer…