Let the Jubilee Countdown Begin…

In the run up to the Jubilee I will be posting a blog each day explaining in more detail the events that we have going on across the Jubilee Weekend.

We start today with our Sausage BBQ. This takes place on Saturday 2nd June from 2pm-8pm up in the garden (come rain or shine, but hopefully shine).

The Sausage BBQ will feature a variety of different British Sausages made by local butchers including Hedges Farm, JTB, A & C Meats & Bok & Rose. You will have the opportunity to pick 3 from our selection and these will be served with crusty bread, mustard & pickle!

If you like a good sausage (pun intended) you’ll love our Sausage BBQ, Saturday 2nd June, 2pm-8pm to kick off our Jubilee celebrations!!

God Save the Queen and God Save the Sausage!


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