Bank Holiday Beer Festival – Saturday 29th May to Monday 31st May

beer festivalThe White Hart Tap Mini Beer Festival starts on Saturday 29th May at 12.oo noon with twelve guest beers on the bar. 

Belvoir – Wippling Golden Bitter

Dark Star – Hophead

Magpie – Fledgling

Oldershaw – Sunnydaze

Phoenix – Navvy

Wharebank – Tether Blonde

Brampton – Best

Oakham – White Dwarf

Elland – Nettlethrasher

Roosters – Yankee

Thornbridge – Ashford

Newby Wyke – White Squall

Castle Rock – Screech Owl

Cider – Moles – Black Rat


Come along and give them a try.  Barbeque if  British Summer continues!



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