Author: admin

  • Bank Holiday Beer Festival – Saturday 29th May to Monday 31st May

    The White Hart Tap Mini Beer Festival starts on Saturday 29th May at 12.oo noon with twelve guest beers on the bar.  Belvoir – Wippling Golden Bitter Dark Star – Hophead Magpie – Fledgling Oldershaw – Sunnydaze Phoenix – Navvy Wharebank – Tether Blonde Brampton – Best Oakham – White Dwarf Elland – Nettlethrasher Roosters…

  • Mexican Food Night Thursday 27th May

    We have a Mexican Themed Food Night on Thursday 27th May from 6.30 p.m. until 8.30 p.m Loaded Nachos to start – corn chips topped with salsa,guacamole,jalapeno peppers and sour cream.  The main course is Beef Steak Enchiladas which are soft tortillas with strips of steak covered with a tomato sauce and cheese and then…

  • Curry Night Monday 24th May

    This week’s curry is Chinese Chicken served from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Bookings taken 01727 860974.

  • French Night!

    Our French Food Night is on Thursday March 25th from 6.30 p.m. until 8.30 p.m when we have a three course meal for £14.95.  Booking is advisable either call into the pub or ring 01727 860974.    To start with a classic French Onion Soup served with a Gruyere Crouton,  followed by Confit De Canard, a…

  • Last night’s Italian Theme

    Our Italian Food night was a great success and everyone complimented Dom on her tasty dishes.  The next Theme night will be French on Thursday March 25th and full details will follow here shortly once the menu has been completed. If anyone has any preference for a  food theme night please let us know!

  • Italian Night!

    We are having an Italian themed food night on Thursday February 18th from 6.30p.m until 8.30 p.m.    A 3 course meal for £11.75 cooked by our chef Dominique. Linguine Al Granchio (crab & thin linguine pasta) Petto Di Pollo Alla Parmigiana (chicken breast with parmesan,tomatoes & mozzarella)                                  Tiramisu Alla Ricotta (coffee…

  • Last night’s Quiz!

    Last night’s quiz was narrowly won by ‘Rag, Tag, Bobtail plus 1’ whose final score was 51 out of 60.  They scooped the winning pot of £33.  Runners up were ‘Enjoy the Wine’ who received a round of drinks for a very close score of 50.5. Why not try your hand at next weeks quiz,…

  • Burns Night Supper

    Why not book for our Burns Night Supper on Monday 25th January between 6.30 and 8.30 p.m. Starting with a ‘Wee Dram O’Whisky’ followed by the traditional Haggis served with Neeps and Tatties.   Raspberry Cranachan follows for dessert and  all for a very reasonable price of £11.95.  Telephone: 01727 860974.  Vegetarian Haggis is also available.