Category: About

  • Christmas Opening Hours

    Please click the link for the opening hours over the festive period.. Festive Opening Hours 2014

  • Christmas Opening Hours

    Here’s our opening hours for the festive season with kitchen hours in brackets if different…. 23rd All Day 24th All Day 25th 12-2 (Kitchen Closed) Boxing Day 7-11, quiz from 9pm (Kitchen Closed) 27th All Day 28th All Day 29th All Day 30th All Day New Years Eve All Day, 7-close (regulars only after 7pm)…

  • Vote for us!!

    The  WHT has made the shortlist of 6 for the Best Pub in St Albans as part of the St Albans Food & Drink Festival 2012. So get voting for us now at:

  • Work In Progress

    As the keener eyed among you may have noticed work has been gone on the outside of the WHT. Over the next few weeks the outside of the pub will be painted and new signage added to give our lovely pub a little facelift! Disruption should be at a minimum as the works are carried…

  • Price Rises

    Dear customers, In the interests of transparency we thought we would announce a price increase across our keg and cask products. This increase has been forced upon us by the brewers increasing their costs to Punch Taverns who subsequently have increased their prices to us. In order for us to merely maintain our existing margins…

  • The New Pub Cats

    Well it’s been nearly two months since the new pub cats moved in and gradually they are becoming more comfortable in their new surroundings, so I thought it was the right time to write a little introductory piece on their  behalf. As with most introductions let’s start with their names, Paddy, a black and white…

  • Did you hear the one about the Pub, the Bishop & Twitter?

    The WHT started tweeting properly about the middle of 2011 since then we have over 300 followers, not bad for a little back street pub in St Albans. Twitter has given the pub an interesting and fun way to communicate with customers, offering a closer social media relationship with your customers. Last night saw this…