Did you hear the one about the Pub, the Bishop & Twitter?

The WHT started tweeting properly about the middle of 2011 since then we have over 300 followers, not bad for a little back street pub in St Albans.

Twitter has given the pub an interesting and fun way to communicate with customers, offering a closer social media relationship with your customers.

Last night saw this relationship grow even further when the St Albans Diocese had a “Tweet Up” in the WHT. We have had the occasional Tweet Up in the pub before but this one is a bit of a game changer, eye opener or other generic phrase which inspired this blog!! Last night the bishop of Hertford as well as the  SubDean of St Albans Cathedral attended the Tweet Up, as well as other members of the clergy from St Albans and the local area. On its own members of the St Albans Diocese meeting for a drink would not be newsworthy but to me it proved that social media and especially Twitter are now being embraced by all, including the Church! (well in St Albans anyway).

As a pub we use Twitter to communicate what’s happening at the pub as well as to have a bit of fun and tweet pictures and other nonsense to engage our customers when they are not in the Tap. We have taken bookings for Fish & Chips, made contact with numerous other pubs, breweries and other businesses in the trade as well as participate in the Tweet Ups.

From Joey Barton trying to make footballers sound intelligent by quoting philosophy in his tweets to the bishop of St Albans sending an Audioboo to one of my followers last night, Twitter is changing the way in which we communicate, the trick now is to make sure we do it properly.

This along with many other Twitter based topics will be no doubt discussed at the St Albans Tweet Up which is being held at the WHT on Thursday 23rd February. Why not come along and see what the fuss is all about. Free WiFi is available. Worst case scenario, its still a pub and you can just have a beer if that’s all you want!

Follow this lot on Twitter to find out more about the Tweet Ups above:









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