St Albans Food & Drink Festival 2010

Quiz Pics 003The nominations for the 2010 St Albans Food & Drink Festival are taking place and the WHT is aiming to win Pub of the Year for the 2nd year running!

The voting is taking place at so register your vote by clicking on the link below and following the instructions on the website.

This year we have introduced many new things at the WHT to try and maintain not only standards but keep up with our ever expanding customer base. Initiatives include the Curry Night on Monday’s, a new look wine list, additional beer festivals to compliment our existing August Bank Holiday Festival and additional home made food, including our now famous Scotch Eggs and Pork Pies!

We won’t rest on our laurels though, still plenty that can be done to make the “Best Pub in St Albans” even better.


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