The Week That Was

The School Holiday Slowdown is in effect at the moment with most of St Albans seemingly away on holiday, either that or they are saving themselves for the Beer Festival at the end of the month.

Our quiz teams might be hoping that the Bay Window Rollers go on holiday soon as they won the quiz for the second week in a row, on a tie break again!

This week also saw the start (and finish) of the Great British Beer Festival at Earls Court, London. No less than 300 beers, although my counting got hazy near the end of Tuesday, where available over 5 days. This year’s Champion Beer of Britain Gold Medal was announced on Tuesday and went to Castle Rock’s Harvest Pale Ale, a worthy winner.

The WHT launched its first Cocktail Night on Saturday with 6 different cocktails being mixed right before your eyes. The evening was a relative success and we may do another one soon. Let me know if there are any cocktails you would like to see on the list.


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