Tag: pub blog

  • The Week That Was

    This week was dominated by Martin’s birthday party on Sunday night. Over 50 people turned up to wish the old git Happy Birthday, partly pursuaded by the excellent music and free Roast Pork Buns! Needless to say there was plenty of drink flowing, mainly Martin who was proudly reminding everyone of which number pint he…

  • The Week That Was

    Last week was the St Albans Food & Drink Festival. The Tap participated by running a Pie & Curry week. The curries are already popular from our Curry Night on Mondays, but the Pies were a new addition to the WHT menu. With Pies ranging from Steak & Kidney, Chicken & Leek and Fish Pie,…

  • The Week That Was

    Slightly later than usual blog this week as I have been away in Serbia so have limited information about what’s been happening at WHT. Plans for the Bank Holiday Beer Festival are well advanced now and all beers and ciders have now been ordered. It promises to be a great weekend, with live music on Sunday, a…

  • The Week That Was

    The School Holiday Slowdown is in effect at the moment with most of St Albans seemingly away on holiday, either that or they are saving themselves for the Beer Festival at the end of the month. Our quiz teams might be hoping that the Bay Window Rollers go on holiday soon as they won the…

  • The Week That Was

    Another interesting week at the WHT is behind us. Despite the weather curry night was again a success with the fish curry getting good reviews. Wednesday gave us an interesting evening and much to talk about, especially in the evening. The pre quiz entertainment will not be invited back (I’m sure to the relief of…