The Week That Was

Last week was the St Albans Food & Drink Festival. The Tap participated by running a Pie & Curry week. The curries are already popular from our Curry Night on Mondays, but the Pies were a new addition to the WHT menu.

With Pies ranging from Steak & Kidney, Chicken & Leek and Fish Pie, they were a huge success. Over 50 pies were sold across the week to fantastic feedback from everyone.

Myself and Steve proved the theory that Northerners can make a damn good Pie!

The Pies will become a regular feature of the WHT menu over the Winter months so come and try one for yourself.

Also, as part of the Food Festival, the WHT was up in the Market Place on our stall on Sunday. With a selection of our homemade food we spread the word about the WHT. I did resist the temptation to start shouting “any bowl a pound” but did manage to see many customers , some of haven’t been down to the Tap in a while, so we look forward to their return.

The market was great fun and hopefully over the coming week we will have some photos of the event to share online.

Finally, the heatwave is most welcome this week and extended the life of the beer garden and prolonged the log fire being used and the mulled wine being ordered just yet, let’s hope it continues!

P.S. Look out for some spooky goings on at the end of this month!!


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