St Albans Food & Drink Festival Awards

The  WHT has made the shortlist of 6 for the Best Pub in St Albans as part of the St Albans Food & Drink Festival 2010.

As last years winners we are hoping for a strong showing this year and maybe even a win for the second consecutive year.

Here’s a reminder of what we have done over the past year to deserve your vote:

  • The launch of Curry Night on Monday nights
  • Events such as Burns Night and Independence Day BBQ
  • The return of International Food Nights
  • A new look wine list
  • Additional beer festivals to compliment our existing August Bank Holiday Festival
  • Increased home made food, including our now famous Scotch Eggs and Pork Pies!
  • Homemade Lemonade available on the bar

So get voting for us now at:


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