Summertime is here! (ish)

This is to be my Mungo Jerry blog as it will detail what will be going on at the Tap “in the summertime when the weather is high” (or low for that matter).

So the garden is mowed and some new picnic benches are on order so more people can enjoy the sun and beer of course!

As I mentioned in a blog earlier this year we are having our own pub allotment this year in the private garden attached to the pub, all thie digging has been done and the seeds are being propagated ready for planting and later in the summer will be able to offer our home grown vegetables on our menu, from picked to plate in under an hour, doesn’t get fresher than that!

We have the Easter Beer Festival in conjunction with the White Lion to look forward to in the not too distant future, as well as the annual Lion Hart August Bank Holiday Beer Festival.

In July we will be celebrating Independence Day with a Music Festival and all American BBQ!

Also we will be hosting our International Food Nights on a more regular basis over the summer months.

So there you have a small sample of what we have coming up in the summer, we look forward to seeing you at some if not all of our events!


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